
Friday, October 28, 2011


I've got a great excuse for you to buy some need the container to make a rainmaker! Totally legitinate! Well, that's what we used our empty Pringles tube for. The night before (whilst my girls were sleeping) I pushed some long nails into the sides of the tube, like this:

 …and wrapped it with masking tape (so Eden wouldn't try to pull them out). The next day, I laid out a tray with the tube, some chickpeas and some pearl barley...
 ...and Eden put her mix of the ingredients into the tube, 'til it was about one quarter full.
 Then she decorated it with bits of paper and some stickers, and when she was done I taped the lid on...
 ...and voila! Here is the finished product!
If we do this again (which we intend to), I'll use HEAPS more nails! I used about two dozen nails which quite thick, and were roughly the diameter of the tube. They were nowhere near sufficient though. The more nails you have, the longer it takes for your "rain" of choice to filter through, and ours just rushes from one end to the other. Ah well! Next time...

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