
Thursday, April 5, 2012

Blog Awards: Thank You!

O, Happy Day! I'm thrilled that Happy Little Munchkins has two shiny new awards for its proverbial shelf, and I am very grateful to the amazing women who have passed these awards on to me.

Firstly, a big THANK YOU is due to the lovely Lisa at Criss Cross Applesauce for passing on the One Lovely Blog award: Lisa is a mum and a teacher whose blog is packed with fun, educational ideas for kids. If you're stuck for inspiration, check out her 'Themes' page, it's sure to give you plenty of fodder for playtime. 

One Lovely Blog Award Rules:
1. Link back to the one who gave you this award.
2. Pass the award on to 15 other lovely bloggers.

Here are the 15 bloggers I am passing this award on to (in no particular order)

These blogs each offer a wealth of creativity and genius ideas, which I have personally found inspiring. Please stop by and check them out, you won't be sorry that you did.

Liebster Blog Award

Secondly, an equally big THANK YOU to the inspirational Sienna at H is forHomeschooling for giving HLM the Liebster Blog Award. Sienna's blog is choc-a-block full of montessori-inspired activities for little ones which have a wonderful way of teaching tots through engaging play. It's well worth your time, and I'm sure will prove to be a resource to all of you parents out there. 
The Liebster Blog Award focuses on blogs with less than 200 followers to spread readership between the blog giving the award, the blog getting the award, and the 5 blogs that it is passed on to. The idea is to give the award to other blogs that your readers would also enjoy. The blogs I have chosen to pass the Liebster Award on to are (again, in no particular order):

  • Happy Whimsical Hearts
  •  - written by a fellow Aussie mum (yay!) with a Waldorf emphasis and has fantastic ideas for playtime with a difference. Check out her posts on tie-dye tops and eggshell art.
  • Sense of Wonder
  •  - written by a former Primary school teacher who now homeschools her kidlets, with an educational slant on fun activities. Age range is broad, so stop by if you have more than one child - you'll love it!
  • Taming the Goblin
  •  - creative activities for tots written by a UK mum with a Montessori influence. One of my faves is her tree collage/painting, it's a very clever idea!
  • Mom's Heart
  •  - wonderful, very do-able ideas for toddlers with an emphasis on giving your child different experiences in their play
  • Nicki's Yarn
  •  - if you're interested in reading or crochet, check out this site. Nicki reviews books, has tips on crochet (it's how I learnt!) and makes some very cool projects for herself and her daughter.

Trust me, your time would be well spent exploring any of these blogs: each has creative, unique ideas to inspire you in your parenting journey – I know they've inspired me in mine.

Thanks for reading! ~ L.