
Sunday, April 29, 2012

Paint: Experiment # 1

Eye droppers are handy little things. We've used eye droppers for all sorts of activities in our home (except as an actual eye dropper, oddly enough), and the most recent of these activities was in a watercolour experiment.
Little Miss E. was all set to do some standard watercolour painting whilst Mummy was cooking, until she spied the eye dropper and asked to use it (she loves transferring coloured water with them, see here for an example with a medicine dropper). Everything was already set up for watercolour painting, so I suggested experimenting with the paint using the eye dropper. Oh boy, did she go for it!
I put some blobs of the colours she chose onto some watercolour paper like so...

And she smeared them around with her brush until she was happy with her arrangement...

Then the real fun (and mess) began! She used the eye dropper to drip water over her paints and watched them run over the paper and mix together, until it was one big runny mess!

A little blotting was required. Who knew that even watercolour paper could get so soggy?!
Eden decided the colours needed a bit more mixing, so she got stuck in with her fingers to get the job done. 

The painting ended up being one big brown blurry smear, but these sort of artistic activities are not about the end result, but about the process of creating. Eden had so much fun changing her artwork from blobs of paint, to streaks of paint, to drops of paint, to fingerpaint! Who knows, this may be the beginning of a toddler fad "le brown blur painting"? Then again, maybe not.
Thanks for reading! ~ L.

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