
Saturday, May 12, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

To all the Wonderful, Splendid, Fantastic, Incredible, Amazing Mums/Moms out there, HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!! (For tomorrow...)

In honour of Mother's Day, here's a freebie for you!

This printable is a well-known poem by Dorothy Law Nolte called 'Children Learn What They Live'. It has helped me diffuse my internal tension on those hard days by reminding me of the significance of how I parent my children, and encourages me to look at the bigger picture. I hope you like it.

Thanks for reading! ~ L.

Linking up to:
No Time For Flashcards
Crayon Freckles


  1. Thank you for sharing this with us this week at tip toe thru tuesday! I love that poem!

    1. Thanks Kimberly, I love it too, helps me to keep perspective when I need it
