
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Mother's Day Roundup

With Mother's Day fast approaching and time at a premium (as it always is for us parents!) here is a roundup of some fantastic ideas for your incredible Mum - or perhaps for the kiddies to do for you?

Head on over to Paper and Pigtails Party for this gorgeous free printable, and bonus: the site also has versions for grandmothers! Your Munchkin completes the questionnaire about you (with a little help, of course) and you get a sweet little keepsake...

If there's a child who doesn't love to crumple up paper I haven't met them! Put those crumpling skills to good use to make these lovely cards from Artful Adventures...

If you're craft-ily inclined (I know it's not a word, just go with it), then check out these pretty brag books on offer from the ladies at Eighteen 25...

Our Best Bites has a tutorial on making these Tin Can Treats filled with treats (bring on the choccies!). Include kiddies in this adult-led craft by letting them decorate the tins themselves. Also a cute idea for grandmothers...

I am hoping I get the chance to do this with my family before the big MD (Mother's Day). Pretty pendants with the kiddies fingerprints on it to make some pendant jewellery or ornaments, as seen at A Girl and a Glue Gun...

For a Mother's Day message with a difference, pop your sentiments onto a balloon (pardon the pun) a la this clever idea at Free Pretty Things For You...


I hope you find something you like at these great sites. Otherwise there's always macaroni photo frames or homemade pot pourri?

Thanks for reading! ~ L.


  1. Great ideas! Now I just have to show my husband this so he can get the kids to work! :)

    1. Haha! Thanks Lorie, I told my hubby I was writing this post and forwarded him the link, *hint, hint* :D
