
Sunday, April 29, 2012

Paint: Experiment # 1

Eye droppers are handy little things. We've used eye droppers for all sorts of activities in our home (except as an actual eye dropper, oddly enough), and the most recent of these activities was in a watercolour experiment.
Little Miss E. was all set to do some standard watercolour painting whilst Mummy was cooking, until she spied the eye dropper and asked to use it (she loves transferring coloured water with them, see here for an example with a medicine dropper). Everything was already set up for watercolour painting, so I suggested experimenting with the paint using the eye dropper. Oh boy, did she go for it!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Leafy Business

Autumn has arrived in Australia (nearly two months ago, but let's not nitpick) and the trees have shed their leaves and transformed our local parks into bronze and gold wonderlands. If I sound a bit whimsical, I LOVE AUTUMN! True, I say that about every season, but for now, I LOVE AUTUMN!
On a recent stroll through the park, Eden collected a tidy pile of leaves, sticks, bark and gumnuts which she later deposited on our dining table with a proud "There you go, Mummy! It's for our art time!" Naturally, I had to find some sort of activity that would utilise the art provisions to her satisfaction.
Rummaging through my supplies, I stumbled upon some wax paper, and it was decided. We were going to make our own wrapping paper!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Back Soon!

Due to a sickie baby (and birthday girl) and a sickie myself (I know it doesn't make sense grammatically, but just go with it) and an impending blowout first birthday party, this blog is on pause, and will resume posting on Monday 23rd April. Thank you, see you then! ~ Laura

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Easter Time, Folks!

EasEaster, Easter, Easter!
So many ideas, so little time. We have managed to squeeze in a few Easter-themed ideas, and here they are...

Blog Awards: Thank You!

O, Happy Day! I'm thrilled that Happy Little Munchkins has two shiny new awards for its proverbial shelf, and I am very grateful to the amazing women who have passed these awards on to me.